Do you aspire to become a judge? Have you started your preparation?
Below are the following tips that will help you while you prepare for the Judicial Services Examination
The preparation involves two sides contribution. One is the knowledge, and second is the hard work, which is required from the side of the students. Later requires focussed selective study. As we all know hard work beats the talent when talent does not work hard. The small gap between a candidate and his goal is the “endeavour”. The journey of thousands miles begins with a single small step. Let us take that step with Your Lordships and assure your seat on the dais of the court room.You will never finish the journey, if do not start. So start your preparation from today itself. The greatest problem is that everyone thinks that he has ample time at his disposal, which is a misnomer. Daily preparation and consistency in studies is very important.
The competitive examination for judicial services involves struggle at three stages, viz., preliminary, mains and finally interview. Bare Acts are the back bone and basis for all the three stages of examination.
The preliminary examination is objective type with negative marking for wrong answers. Thus, one has to be very conscious about the degree of correctness in mind before attempting a multiple choice question.The pin pointed and accurate study of the subject is required for attempting MCQ as opposed to mains, where you can deviate from 100% accuracy to some extent only.
For mains examination,writing practice is required. Nowadays our fingers are working more on the key board.We should avoid digital dementia. Mock attempting papers from previous years to get the hang of completing the paper within stipulated time is equally important. Here time management is most important. If you are to attempt 5 questions, and one is left, you are simply out of competition.For time management, one should learnthe art of condensation and expansion.
Use the headings ‘introduction’ in the beginning and conclusion in the end.Use graphical representations/diagrams.Use equation method.Use doctrine of ratio decidendi, and judicial precedent. Use names of the author of books, like D. F. Mulla in the beginning of answers.
The interview is the stage, where you have to impress the interview board in the short time you have with them. So give your best in short time.Be honest during the interview. If you do not know answer of a particular question, frankly say, “I do not know sir”. Honesty is the best policy. It pays you in interview.
There are few pitfalls. One should be very careful.
The special emphasis is to be given to the untouched areas, likelocal Acts not covered in your LL.B., curriculum.The questions from local laws are normally compulsory.Practice of Judgment writing, precis writing, framing of charges and issues, drafting of plaints and W.S. are crucial. If you fail to attempt compulsory Question, you will be out of merit list.
General Studies is always a deciding factor. Reading of one English and one Hindi Newspaper, taking important clippings, keeping them in Guard file/loading them on your lap top is must for preparation of General Studies.
Translation from English to Hindi and vice versa also requires practice. Take paragraph from leading cases for this purpose.The preparation of case laws is equally vital. Only ratio decidendi part is to be taken note of.The Key to success is to prepare your own credit cards, i.e., shortest summary of your answer. It must not exceed on one side of only one A-4 sheet. Revise your credit cards, one week before your exams daily.
The equation of memory
Dear students, psychologically, for the purpose of your memory and retention in mind, 7 teachings are equivalent to one reading.7 Readings are equivalent to one writing. Hence, writing practice is a must. Lastly, 7 Writings are equivalent to one thought. So giving thought or pondering over the questions and their answers is very important.When you give thought to any concept, you tend to assimilate the subject matter. Assimilation is the most important word for your preparation for exams.
Lastly, please remember that your mind is like a bank.What you deposit daily in it, is what you can withdraw and use in the examination hall.The consistency in deposit is the key to your success. Let us assure your seat on the dais of a court room with the help of Your Lordships.